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What should the background of my video be?

When considering the background for your shot, include something interesting, colourful or creative that shows uniquely who you are and where you are from - whether it's your home, your church, your home town, the outback, the desert, a rainforest, an iconic landmark or location.


What quality should I submit for my video/audio?

Any quality you can produce is fine - we would rather have you involved than let technology or gear hold you back. Anything from a smart phone or handicam/camcorder is fine - preferably in 1080p or 4K resolution, MP4 or MOV, and audio can be recorded on your phone, or a headset plugged into your phone to a professional microphone recorded into a DAW at 48k 24bit WAV or AIF. The best you can do will be fine.


Can I have more than one person filmed at once in the footage?

Absolutely! When it comes to filming multiple people feel free to go for it, as long as you’re able to record separate vocal stems/multi-tracked for each singer if possible, while also adhering to social distancing/Government recommendations.

If you're recording multiple people we'd love to have the individual stems for each person, otherwise, it presents some challenges for mixing it. If in doubt - do it and send it in.

Got other questions?

See below to contact us...

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